Does Time of Day Affect Variety Seeking?
Gullo, Kelley, Jonah Berger, Jordan Etkin, and Bryan Bollinger (2019), “Does Time of Day Affect Variety-Seeking?,” Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (1), 20-35.
Select Media Coverage: Forbes, The Findings Report Podcast, KGO 810’s Consumer Talk, Marketing Matters on SiriusXM Wharton’s Business Radio
Marketing Science Institute’s Top 10 Most Read Articles in 2018
Social Relationships and Consumer Behavior
Wight, Kelley Gullo, Peggy J. Liu, James R. Bettman, and Gavan J. Fitzsimons (2022), “Social Relationships and Consumer Behavior,” Chapter 14 in APA Handbook of Consumer Psychology, Huber, Joel, Lynn Kahle, and Tina Lowery (Eds.), American Psychological Association, (pp. 351–372).
Secret Consumer Behavior in Close Relationships
Brick, Danielle J.*, Kelley Gullo Wight*, and Gavan J. Fitzsimons (2023), “Secret Consumer Behavior in Close Relationships,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33 (2), 403-11. *denotes equal contribution​
​Select Media Coverage: New York Post, MSN, Yahoo! News, DailyMail, Associated Press, featured on local news in 50+ US cities​
No Bandwidth to Self-Gift: How Feeling Constrained Discourages Self-Gifting
Rifkin, Jacqueline R., Kelley Gullo Wight, and Keisha M. Cutright (2022), “No Bandwidth to Self-Gift: How Feeling Constrained Discourages Self-Gifting,” Journal of Consumer Research, forthcoming.​
​Select Media Coverage: Discover Magazine,, NPR Hidden Brain, featured on local news in 10+ major US cities
Celebrate Good Times: How Celebrations Increase Perceived Social Support
Brick, Danielle J., Kelley Gullo Wight, James R. Bettman, Tanya Chartrand, and Gavan J. Fitzsimons (2023), “Celebrate Good Times: How Celebrations Increase Perceived Social Support,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 42 (2), 115-32.​
Select Media Coverage: Associated Press,, featured on local news in 20+ US cities
Making Pro-Social Social: The Effectiveness of Social Proof for Energy Conservation using Social Media
Bollinger, Bryan, Kenneth Gillingham, and Kelley Gullo Wight (2023), "Making Pro-Social Social: The Effectiveness of Social Proof for Energy Conservation using Social Media," Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, forthcoming.​
Sharing Food Can Backfire: When Healthy Choices for Children Lead Parents to Make Unhealthy Choices for Themselves
Wight, Kelley Gullo, Peggy J. Liu, Lingrui Zhou, and Gavan J. Fitzsimons (2024), "Sharing Food Can Backfire: When Healthy Choices for Children Lead Parents to Make Unhealthy Choices for Themselves," Journal of Marketing Research, 61 (3), 451-71.​